Terms & Conditions
Terms of Authorisation
I authorise LetsGetYourTaxBack to append my signature to the Authorisation Form(s) they will submit to the Irish Tax Authorities.
1. Authorisation to act as agent
I, the undersigned, declare to the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland, that I authorise LetsGetYourTaxBack (TAIN 78713D) to act as my agent in dealing with all aspects of the filing of my Irish income tax return, including the submission of refund or credit claims, allowances or reliefs.
I confirm that all documentary evidence of entitlement to credits/reliefs claimed and taxable income sources, will be held for a period of 6 years beginning at the end of the year of assessment to which the Return of In
come and/or claim relates by myself, unless otherwise stated and provided by me to LetsGetYourTaxBack.
I understand that this agreement will remain in place until such time as either party, the client or the agent, has notified the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland in writing of their wish to cancel this agreement.
2. Authorisation for Agent to receive refunds on behalf of client
I authorise the transfer of any refund or repayment of PAYE / Universal Social Charge due to me by the Revenue Commissioners by electronic funds transfer to the following bank account which is held by LetsGetYourTaxBack:
Name of Account Holder: LetsGetYourTaxBack
IBAN: LT14 3250 0306 2639 8607
I understand that any refund made by the Revenue Commissioners to my agent, LetsGetYourTaxBack, on my behalf is refunded in a similar manner as if same were being refunded directly to me and that once the refund is transferred into the bank account nominated by me I have no further call upon the Revenue Commissioners in respect of same.
I understand that LetsGetYourTaxBack is acting as my agent and is solely responsible to me in respect of any refund received by them on my behalf. I further understand that my agent LetsGetYourTaxBack is an independent entity and that the Revenue Commissioners make no endorsement of my agent or any such agency and
cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for problems encountered by me in dealing with them.
I understand and agree that LetsGetYourTaxBack will input its own bank account details on the Revenue record for the duration of this mandate and will remove these details on the cessation of the mandate.
I confirm that I am aware of, and agree to, the payment of the fees charged by LetsGetYourTaxBack in respect of the services carried out on my behalf and that this fee will be deducted from any amount approved by Revenue and that the balance of this amount will be paid to me.
3. Terms and Conditions of Authorisation
I understand that Tax law provides for both civil penalties and criminal sanctions for the failure to make a return, the making of a false return, facilitating the making of a false return, or claiming tax credits, allowances or reliefs which are not due.
I confirm that I will provide the necessary documentation to LetsGetYourTaxBack to support any refund, credit claims or claims for allowances and reliefs made to Revenue on my behalf by LetsGetYourTaxBack. I confirm that I will provide details of all my sources of income to LetsGetYourTaxBack.
I understand that I am required, unless provided by me to LetsGetYourTaxBack, to retain all documentation relating to any refund or credit or allowance or relief claimed by the agent on my behalf for a period of 6 years beginning at the end of the year of assessment to which the Return of Income and/or claim relates and that myself and/or LetsGetYourTaxBack will be required to produce same to Revenue upon request.
4. Scope of Authorisation
I understand that LetsGetYourTaxBack is to act as my agent in respect of Income Tax, where I am registered for Income Tax, for the purpose of cancelling my Income Tax registration and/or filing an Income Tax return for years where such cancellation is not possible or required.
Please note that the information on this website was prepared as a general guide only and does not constitute tax or legal advice. While we believe it to be correct at the time of writing, LetsGetYourTaxBack is not a tax adviser and tax law is subject to frequent change. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances; therefore you should not rely on this information without seeking professional advice from a qualified tax and financial adviser.